We ship out most items from our warehouse. If you see the Availability for a product listed as 'Usually leaves the warehouse on the next business day,' the product will ship from our warehouse. If you see 'This item ships directly from the manufacturer or distributor,' the product will be shipped from a different warehouse. Products from other vendors usually take an extra couple of days for processing before it is shipped.


Most packages shipped from our West Point warehouse ship via UPS. Products that are drop shipped may ship from UPS, FedEx, or USPS. We can not take requests for the shipping carrier. Please make sure that you give us an accurate street address that can be delivered to. Delivery quotes are for business days only. Shippers do not ship on Saturday or Sunday and do not count those days in quotes. The ship date is not counted in air quotes. For example, if it ships 2nd Day Air on Monday, it should arrive on Wednesday.


Tracking Information
Many of our shipping points provide us with a tracking number for your package. If we get that information we provide it to you right away. However, if we do not get tracking information from a vendor, we will not be able to give you an exact delivery date.


Freight Information
All industrial machines with table, stand, and motor and many of our cabinets are shipped via freight truck. These shipments can't be expedited even if expedited service shows up as an option in the shopping cart. Most freight rates are a flat $200.


Free Shipping On Our Website

Within the continental United States (the contiguous 48 states), Shipping is FREE to customers on qualifying online orders over $49. Orders being shipped to Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, APO's, FPO's and DPO's are not eligible for free shipping. The free shipping policy does not apply to large or heavy items that require special shipping methods such as assembled industrial sewing machines and some sewing cabinets.


United States Shipping

Alaska and Hawaii only ship via 2nd day or next day air.

Shipping days are business days. This excludes weekends and holidays.